Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blog Post #1

     My name is Mary LaCoste, and I'm currently enrolled in EDM 310 in order to renew my teaching certificate. I actually took EDM 310 about eighteen years ago under the direction of Dr. Daughenbaugh, but there was no internet so we mostly used computers for word processing and to type our lesson plans. Now I'm really showing my age. I graduated from the University of South Alabama in 1994 with a degree in secondary education certified in both English and Social Studies and applied for a teaching position in both the public and Catholic school systems. It was difficult to get a job in the public schools the year I graduated, so I end up in the Catholic school system. I taught sixth, seventh, and eighth grade language arts at Corpus Christi Catholic School for three years and absolutely loved it. Then I took ten years off from teaching to stay home with my three children.When my youngest daughter started kindergarten, I was able to go back to Corpus Christi School and teach again. I truly enjoy teaching, and I especially love teaching the middle school age. Teaching, I feel, is one of the most rewarding professions one can be in. As you see your students grow, change, and learn, there is a real sense of accomplishment, and I love my job. 
     I have almost always lived in Mobile, Alabama, and I grew up in the Theodore area. I've been married almost sixteen years to my husband Chris, and we have three wonderful children. Emily is 12, Brant is 11, and Molly is 9.  Most of my spare time is spent with my busy family. My hobbies include reading, scrapbooking, and spending time with my children. I enjoy going to the movies and listening to music, and I have a not so secret crush on Edward Cullen. I am currently teaching sixth, seventh, and eighth grade reading and literature at Corpus Christi Catholic School. I'm looking forward to increasing my computer knowledge while taking this class, and I know becoming more experienced on the computer will certainly help me, as well as the students that I teach.

Randy Pausch on Time Management
     I have never heard of Randy Pausch before, but his advice on time management was very enlightening. I believe proper time management for a teacher is essential. Writing and planning lessons, grading papers, filling out paperwork on your students, and contacting parents are just a few of the things a teacher does everyday. Without proper time management a teacher is just spinning his or her wheels. I am a strong advocate of setting goals, making lists, and planning ahead. I don't think I could make it on a daily basis as a teacher or a mother without following Mr. Pausch's basic guidelines. I think many people get bogged down trying to "do the wrong things right". We spend too much of our time trying to polish the bottom of the banister when we should be spending our time doing the important tasks. Another problem I think people have is looking at a job and thinking it's just to big to tackle at that moment and then put it off.  If people could just take "baby steps" and set obtainable goals, people would be more successful with their time. I really liked the way Mr. Pausch said, "Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgement" because I think we definitely all learn from our mistakes and they make us better people. I also enjoyed his analogy of eating the biggest frog first. Usually we save the ugliest jobs for last, when we should just get them over with first. We would all be better off if we followed this principle. This is one I will share with my students. 


  1. Hi Mary,

    I like that you work in the Catholic school system. I am Catholic and attended a Catholic school called St. Patrick's from K-8. It is that same catholic school that I would like to teach at one day. I also like to read in my spare time and I love the Twilight books. I like what you had to say about time management. I agree that it essential for teachers to manage their time.

  2. Well written. Welcome to a new world of technology. Did you find out anything about Dr. Pausch?

  3. Hi Mary,

    I remember you from Corpus Christi School. My three children attended Corpus and have graduated. Do you remember Garrett, Stephen or Caroline? I thought I recognized you in our class last week, so I looked you up and read your blog. I am glad to be re-acquainted with you. How is everybody doing at Corpus Christi?

    I am taking this class to get re-certified in elementary education. I haven't taught in over 15 years. I know what you mean about technology.....I feel like I am really far behind. We didn't have computers or smart boards, etc. back in the days when I was teaching. I know this class is going to teach me a lot, but I feel it is very overwhelming right now.

    Things are changing so fast! Teachers now have to teach technology....along with the 3 R's! We definitely need to manage our time well, especially if we are also raising a family!

    Good luck and keep up the great work! Tell the teachers at Corpus "Hello" for me!

    Kathy Zoghby

  4. Hi Mary,

    I am also renewing my teaching certificate. I graduated from USA in 2007 with a degree in Secondary Education/Social Studies. When I took EDM 310 it was all about using Word, Excel, and Power Point. How quickly things change.

    I agree with you that time management is essential for a teacher. When you are a new teacher, nothing goes according to plan. Activities that you think will take 15 minutes, take 25 minutes. Activities that you think will take 30 minutes, sometimes only take 20 minutes. Those papers you planned to grade tomorrow night can not be graded because the principal asked you, at the last minute, to sell tickets at the baseball game. You have to make list and not procrastinate to be get everything done on time. Mr. Pausch's analogy on eating the biggest frog first was also one of my favorites. I think I have been doing it the wrong way too many times.

    Great blog and good luck in the class!

    Justin Cometti
